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State Banks’ Staff Union SHRI V. Ganesan Trust

Beloved Former General Secretary of our Union Shri V. Ganesan laid down his office as General Secretary in 1988 and that of Vice President in 1991 on account of his impending retirement from the Bank's service on 29th Feb. 1992, A trust in his name was constituted with the contributions made by our members amounting to Rs.5,39,296/- with an object of extending financial assistance to the members of our union as below

  • Educational Expenses for the children of members who are part time employees of the bank and who are not eligible for such a concession from the Bank
  • To provide solace and succor to the disabled wards of the members The quantum of benefits shall however be decided on the merits of each case

Measures are underway to enlarge the objects of the Trust in tune with the present needs of our members.